Improving Health, Restoring Hope
Providing individualized healthcare since 2004, Good Health Acupuncture is an Oriental Medical practice offering Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT), acupuncture, nutritional counseling and, above all, hope.
Our goal is always the same: To improve your quality of life. We view your journey to wellness as a collaborative effort, one that fuses Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine with a self-discovery of the underlying causes of your condition. Symptom relief comes through the proven treatments we provide, as well as with the tools, knowledge and support you receive…this sets the foundation for true healing and restoration.
Offering SAAT Allergy Treatments and affordable community-style clinic options, Good Health Acupuncture ensures a relaxing, safe and peaceful environment. Our clinic receives referrals from medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, massage therapists and other health care providers, and we actively refer patients to other providers as needed, encouraging a cooperative relationship between the Western and Eastern medical community. Discovering your ideal course of treatment is our first priority.Good Health Acupuncture, Inc. offers you:
- Relief from physical and/or emotional conditions
- Preventive and maintenance care at affordable rates
- Comprehensive medical history intake establishing the foundation for your unique treatment plan
- Empowerment – tools, information and motivation – to continue your wellness journey
- Customized treatment plans suitable for your unique situation
- Gentle, safe treatments that support your body’s ability to achieve harmony
- Peaceful, rejuvenating environment
- Work in conjunction with your other healthcare providers
- Peace of mind knowing you are working with a dedicated and experienced practitioner